"And the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11
Tuesday, December 24 - Christmas Eve
Annual Poinsettia Dedication Book Each year we publish a booklet on Christmas Eve with dedications from members and friends of the church in loving memory, honor of celebration of their loved ones. Learn more. There is no cost or limit on the number of dedications you can submit. Donations received benefit the flower ministry at APPC.
This Christmas season, we invite you to honor your loved ones by adding their names to our Tree of Love. Simply take an ornament from the narthex, write the name of your loved one on the back, and place it on the tree in the chancel. Whether they're far away, serving our country, or no longer with us, let's remember and cherish them this holiday season.
Deacons Christmas Ministries
The Board of Deacons, in their role as caregivers, serve not only our congregation but also the wider community. If you would like to help with our Christmas giving this year, please consider helping with our Giving Tree, Mitten Tree or food pantry. For more info: Kerri Van
The Giving TreeEach year, we adopt over 60 children from a local school. We create a Christmas bag for each child, filled with board games, coloring books and crayons, balls, hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves. This year, we have a significant goal of providing each child with two $25 gift cards from either Target or Meijer.
Each year, our congregation and friends from the community help us meet this goal! Watch for our paper "Giving Tree" in the narthex. The deadline for giving is December 15. You can participate by shopping locally for needed items, buying gift cards, or shopping for suggested items on our Amazon Wishlist. When you check out, use the shipping address: Giving Tree, and your purchases will be shipped directly to us. Honeycomb Food Pantry This holiday season, let's continue to spread cheer by ensuring everyone in our community has a full plate. Read more about our food pantry needs: Food Pantry
The Mitten TreeFor over 40 years, our annual mitten tree has collected new and handmade hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves for men, women, and children (including infants) during Advent.
On December 15, we will use the appropriate children's items for the Giving Tree and continue to collect items until the end of the year. These items are donated to local nonprofit organizations. If you have questions about the Giving Tree or the Mitten Tree, please speak to Nancy Atkinson. |